See Beauty In Nature – Nature / Landscape / Inspiration




Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day awaits. I captured this beauty in town yesterday. God’s love was shining up at me. At first, I did not notice the flowers, and my friend pointed them out to me. God gives us those Angels to remind us to always look for His messengers of love. Thank ...


Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day awaits. Cleaning, laundry, and packing will fill my day. I am heading home at the end of the week for one of my grandson’s graduation from Robertsdale. I am so proud of the amazing man he has become. He is but one of the many blessings God has ...


Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day awaits. It is my day off,  and I slept in a little later. My capture is the orchard across the street. Beautiful blossoms spring out of each branch. God’s creations are amazing. We are loved and blessed. Love and hugs from me to you. Share Your Heart ❤️ ...