Beauty in Nature – See Beauty In Nature

Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day awaits.  Cool muggy air greets me as I step out to feel the new day.  All is quiet except for the distant sound of a rooster crowing to announce the new day. In a world filled with the hustle and bustle of life, it is good to slow […]

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Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day awaits. I am up before the sun due to an early appointment in The Dalles with my sleep apnea doctor. I like to get my regular appointments in early so they don’t interfere with my work. I was delighted yesterday when a friend dropped by with these beautiful […]

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Good Morning Everyone! Today is a special day. It is the day my Daddy was born in 1918. He has been in his heavenly home now 31 years. There is not a day that goes by that I don’t think of him or his teaching. He resides in a special place in my heart and […]

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Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day is underway. My capture is of the sunset last night. There was a glorious display of color in the heavens reminding us that we are loved. This beautiful world of ours was crafted with love. We are only passing through on our journey home. Leave this world a […]

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Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day awaits the dawn. The moon is shining in all its glory as it heads across the sky. Silvery light plays across the landscape as I watch the morning unfold. I had not realized that I have not seen the moon in a while. Clouds have kept it hidden […]

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Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day awaits the dawn.  It is cold and dark, yet the rooster is trying to shout in the new day. I watch as color fills the sky in shades of pink and blue. It is hard to sit still when you want to capture the beauty of God’s creation […]

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Numerous studies demonstrate that humans can innately appreciate the beauty and that it has a significant, powerful effect on our well being: it seems like staring at beautiful buildings can make us feel less depressed and anxious than if the buildings were to be less attractive, and other studies demonstrate that being exposed to images […]

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