Beauty in Nature – See Beauty In Nature

Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day is underway. Time is moving faster each day. The new day is dawning before I wake up and the sun is cresting the hills at six am. There is still light outside when my head hits the pillow. It seemed that time moved slower when I was younger. […]

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Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day awaits the dawn. I can hear rain on the roof, but there is still one star visible through the clouds. Darkness has always bothered me. I always felt there was danger lurking nearby hidden in the shadows. At least in the light. I can see everything around me […]

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Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day awaits the dawn. It is unusually still out this morning. There is no breeze and the rooster must be sleeping in. Oh, there is the breeze now and the rooster. All is well as night turns to day. The sunrise will be hidden by clouds, but I can […]

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Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day awaits the dawn. It is dark and still this morning. The rooster is not even crowing. My capture is from yesterday morning. I love the way the mist runs through the hills like ribbons floating on the wind. Everything was wet from the rain and glistened in the […]

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Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day is underway. The familiar sounds of the morning fill my senses. Crickets join the birds in their morning song of praise as the flies buzz my head like the hummingbirds. Nearby horse farms, cows and chickens keep the fly population alive and well. A slight cool breeze starts […]

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A long day draws to a close.  It was a good day. I made it home and I am working on settling in to the humidity again. My hair adjusted quickly. I am sitting on my back porch watching the clouds. The mosquitoes may not let me make it until sunset. My capture is one […]

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Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day is underway. A gentle breeze blows in my face as I listen to the sounds of the morning. The birds are singing their praises and a boat races down the lake to reach his favorite spot. A peaceful way to start a new day . Life can come […]

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A long day is drawing to a close. It was a tiring day, but good. I am in Atlanta awaiting a shuttle to take me to Lanet, Alabama. My capture is this mornings sunrise as I rode to the airport. The sky was filled with colors and I could see Mt Hood bathed in light. […]

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Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day awaits the dawn. I am waiting for my ride to the airport. I am heading East to see my sister, get hugs and love and then further South to see my family and get more hugs and love. This old heart needs to see her peeps. They say […]

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A long day draws to a close. It was a good day. The ac partially worked, tomorrow they change the thermostat. The glory of the heavens unfolds as the sun sinks below the horizon. Brilliant shades of orange, yellow and gold fill the sky. My spirit soared with God’s glorious display of love. Say your […]

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