Uncategorized – See Beauty In Nature

Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day awaits. Thank you ,Lord, for awakening me to another day. My capture is from my friends driveway. This little deer watched me come and go without even running. All God’s creations should be treated with love and respect. Love and respect one another every day as God loves […]

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Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day awaits. Snow is on the way, and I am home for the day. As you go about your day, capture the small blessings and pleasures we might miss every day. See the beauty in the sun rise. Enjoy a flower as it opens its petals. Notice the way […]

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Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day awaits. The sun makes a grand entrance into the new day. Shades of purple and pink race across the sky heralding in the arrival of the sun. Life can be a burst of joy and laughter followed by dark clouds. Hold fast to your faith and know that […]

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Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day awaits the dawn. I sit in the early morning listening to the sounds of a new day. The birds are singing a joyful song and trucks travel highway 90 in the distance. Sound travels across open fields. Light breaks on the horizon as I think of the suffering […]

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My day draws to a close. It was a good day. I had brunch with friends and visited for a couple hours. Good friends and a great meal made for an awesome day. My capture is a view of the mountain from my friends deck. There are no power lines to block the view. God’s […]

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Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day is underway. I actually slept in until 7:30 am. My little hummingbird just flew up to say good morning and drink his fill of nectar. It is a quiet and peaceful morning. The rooster has finally stopped his crowing and a slight breeze rustles the trees. It is […]

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A good day draws to a close. It was a beautiful day. I worked around the house and did some much needed spring cleaning. It feels good to see the results of your work. My capture is some of God’s beauty at my friends house. The fragrance of the lillies drifted across the yard and […]

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Good Morning Everyone! God has chosen to awaken me to another new day. Do you ever have those days when you think you slept, but you still feel like you are dragging your bones? I did not want to get out of bed, but daylight was wasting as my Daddy would say. My capture is […]

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A good day draws to a close. I spent time at the office and got my shopping done. On the trip home, blue skys were filled with billowing white clouds. It was a site to behold. As I drove up the mountain, these sunflowers beckoned me to capture their beauty. They knew God’s beauty needed […]

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A long day draws to a close. It was a good day. The temperature dropped to a comfortable range and a cool wind blew all day. I worked half a day and then treated myself to a manicure and pedicure. I captured these beauties on my way home. It was a really good day. Hold […]

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