Daily Prayer – See Beauty In Nature

Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day awaits. Messy cold weather greets me this morning. The rooster is still crowing his little heart out. All is right with the world. My capture is the sunset last night. The beauty was breathtaking. God sure knows how to do it right. Take the time to look around […]

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Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day awaits.  It was a long weekend spent mostly on the couch. A short week leads us into Thanksgiving and family gatherings.  I am grateful for all my family and friends.  I won’t be home for Thanksgiving,  but they know they hold my heart always. I will be feasting […]

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Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day awaits. A few clouds hang around to welcome the sun as it rises to start a new day. I helped a friend with her yard sale yesterday and again today. Everyone we met was friendly and happy to be getting good deals. Sometimes you think you have a […]

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Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day awaits. New memories to make, new friends to meet, old friends to greet or anything your heart desires. It is your day to make a difference in your life or someone else’s. Each day is a blessing and filled with the unknown. Good or bad, it is a […]

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Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day awaits the dawn.  Early to bed and early to rise makes a woman awaiting the sunrise. It is 4 am as I have my coffee, say my prayers and watch the landscape. Christmas lights in the neighbors yard still dance in the remnants of snow. Little twinkling lights […]

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Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day awaits the dawn. The rooster is crowing his heart out as the mist and fog cover the landscape. A new week begins and January will soon be history. Time marches on and it feels like the band has picked up the pace. Things happen that are beyond our […]

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Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day awaits the dawn. It is well before dawn as I listen to the silence of the night. Rain falls steadily on my metal roof with a soothing pitter patter rhythm. The rooster must be snowed in because I have not heard him since I got home. The snowy […]

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Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day awaits the dawn on this first day of the new year. Heavy skys greet the first day of the new year. This day is no more special then all the other days that God has chosen to awaken us. Each day we choose our attitude and outlook on […]

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Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day awaits the dawn. The air is thick with moisture as it swirls around me. Sounds of the night are muted by a gentle rain. The beauty of my surroundings fills my senses with wonder and amazement. Roses are still blooming and grace the garden with their beauty. We […]

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Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day is dawning.  The sun will make an appearance as a clear sky is filled with color and wonder. New adventures await as I plan my day. Time doesn’t wait. Hold your loved ones dear and cherish the time you have together. Live and love today. Share Your Heart […]

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