Benefits of Nature – See Beauty In Nature

A long day draws to a close. It was a good day and very long. The air conditioning at work froze up so it was hot with no cross ventilation. Hopefully it will be fix soon. My thoughts go out to everyone who is suffering with grief over lost loved ones. Even though we know […]

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Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day has dawned. A light breeze blows across the landscape. The usual peace of the morning is interrupted by the chickens across the street raising a ruckus. It is unusual to hear anything but the rooster. I have not heard him lately. I guess I have learned to tune […]

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A long day draws to a close. It was a good day. I worked half a day and bought a few groceries. I spent the late afternoon watching the mountain and bird feeders. This beautiful Scrub Jay came in for a brief landing. I wonder if he is the reason my feeder keeps getting emptied […]

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Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day is underway.  A light breeze blows and the skies are clear and blue. The birds dance in and out of the feeders as I enjoy my coffee. I captured this beautiful Gold Finch as he enjoyed the new feeder. I think God sent him to warm my heart […]

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Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day is underway. The sun is rising over the crest beneath dark clouds. The results took my breath away. It looks like the hills are on fire. No matter how hard they try, the clouds can’t hold back the light. The darkness of sorrow, illness and loss seem to […]

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Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day is underway. I try my best to sleep in, but these old bones just start to ache and a voice inside my head says “Rise and Shine”. My Daddy would turn the music on the intercom to WHEP country radio. He was a morning person and would beam […]

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Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day has dawned. My hummingbird sits on the feeder and sips his morning nectar, as I drink mine. I wonder if he is people watching. The pear trees out back are in full bloom and the sky is alive with pinks and orange in advance of the sunrise. Yes, […]

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A long day draws to a close. It was a good day. I worked at the office half a day and then did my grocery shopping. A stop at the thrift store was fun, but I didn’t find any treasures. The back road home called my name. It was a beautiful day and I drove […]

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Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day awaits the dawn. The rooster next door says it is going to be a good day and everyone should rise and shine. I think someone is serving him espresso. I’ll have a cup, please. I am a slow riser, but more a morning person. After four pm, my […]

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