Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day is underway. The sun is rising over the crest beneath dark clouds. The results took my breath away. It looks like the hills are on fire. No matter how hard they try, the clouds can’t hold back the light. The darkness of sorrow, illness and loss seem to consume our thoughts and cloud our minds. During those times when you can’t see God’s light, know that He is there carrying you through the darkness. Talk to Him and share your pain. He already knows every thought and every beat of your heart. Let Him help you heal in the light of His love. A brighter day will come. You are never alone. The roller-coaster roads of life are both scary and thrilling. Hold tight to His hand and face the ups, downs and thrills that life has to offer. Look for the beauty of life in all His creations. We are loved beyond measure. Share Your Heart ❤and Shine Bright.

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