Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day has dawned. A light breeze blows across the landscape. The usual peace of the morning is interrupted by the chickens across the street raising a ruckus. It is unusual to hear anything but the rooster. I have not heard him lately. I guess I have learned to tune him out. It is easy to tune out our surroundings and people we see each day. Conversations are missed because we are in our own heads or thinking of something else. We can never let ourselves take a situation, our families or our friends for granted. Important feelings, thoughts or situations can be missed. Sometimes these people are taken from our lives and we no longer have the opportunity to hear their voice or listen to the same old story. Learn to listen with a heart filled with love for each other. It is not always the words that are being said that are important. Live a life of love, gratitude and respect for one another. Share Your Heart ❤and Shine Bright.

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