Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day is underway. The familiar sounds of the morning fill my senses. Crickets join the birds in their morning song of praise as the flies buzz my head like the hummingbirds. Nearby horse farms, cows and chickens keep the fly population alive and well. A slight cool breeze starts the day before the sun takes over. Beautiful blue skies greet me with a promise of sunshine before the afternoon showers.
I slept past the dawn. I am adjusting to having grown grands in the house coming in from work late at night, so the normal sleep pattern was changed. Y’all remember worrying about your children until they were home safe. Being a parent is ingrained in our make up. God created us to love and nurture. Remember to use that same gift from God when dealing with others. Our world needs to be reminded that all thing come from God and we should be grateful, not entitled. Share Your Heart ❤and Shine Bright.

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