Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day awaits the dawn. I am wrapped in my snuggly blanket, on my couch, as I survey the landscape through my picture window. The moon has set and the veil of darkness still lays heavy through the valley. My capture is a memory that popped up from last year. God’s glorious painting was too beautiful not to share. When the darkness surrounds us, we must remember to look to the light of God’s love. We are never alone. He feels our pain and sorrow. Little miracles of light and love surround us each day. We have to open our hearts and see His love displayed in the sunrise, sunset, flowers , birds, rivers and streams. Most of all we see His love displayed in the Angels He has placed beside us in life. Make sure you let those you love know that they make a difference in your life. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.

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