Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day is underway. A light breeze blows as I step outside to greet the morning. Movement on the porch caught my eye. It was only a leaf caught by the breeze, but it reminded me of something missing up here. I have not seen frogs. At the farm, tree frogs were on the porch and they watched me as I came and went. They all knew not to be falling off on me unless they wanted to hear some screaming. The bull frogs would come up to visit. I don’t like frogs or anything that jumps on me. My capture today is from my trip home yesterday. There were beautiful wispy clouds all across the sky. I had to stop and capture them for you. There are a lot of cloudless days here in the summer. I like to believe angels watch over us from the clouds as they float by. Next time you are cloud watching, give them a little wave and say Thank you, Lord, for all the angels in my life. Share Your Heart ❤and Shine Bright.

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