Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day is underway. The rooster is crowing as I step out to capture the shades of pink on the horizon. The early mornings here are cool and a gentle breeze blows in my face. It is a peaceful time of day before the hustle and bustle of tending crops begins. It is close to harvest for the cherries. I can’t see them on this farm, but orchards line my trip into town with red ripening fruit. God’s creations are amazing, but the fruit trees have to be tended. There is a watering system running to each tree and each year they are cut back and trimmed. In our own lives, we should care for ourselves as the farmer does the land. We should sow seeds of love, water with kindness, pull the weeds from our lives, tend to illness and allow God’s light to fill our hearts. When God’s love is allowed to fill your life, watch how you bloom. Share Your Heart ❤and Shine Bright.

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