Adopting a positive outlook on life can improve your attitude and help reduce your stress. We each have to decide for ourselves how we see the world. Life is filled with twists, turns, loss, disappointment, love, happiness, and joy. If you look for the negative in life, it will jump up and grab you. Stress, anger, and resentment soon follow to control your life. It is a downward spiral that changes nothing.

Growing up is hard for everyone. I spent many years on medication letting my emotions control me. It has been a long road, but I have reconciled with my past. We can not change our past, but it definitely affects our future happiness.  You have to find peace within yourself to heal and be happy. I choose to be positive and grateful for life. Each morning I wake up and thank God for another day to share the light of His love. I put a smile on my face and a song of joy within my heart. I decide it will be a good day. Of course, things go wrong, but I look for the positive side of each situation.

No one’s life is perfect. If you look outside yourself and learn to care for others, you will realize how much you are blessed. Your positive attitude could be the bright spot in someone’s life. The laughter and joy you bring to work could defuse a bad situation or change someone’s day. The projection of our own emotions sends a ripple effect out to those around us. Be sure that your ripple effect sends joy, kindness, love, understand, and compassion.

Share Your Heart and Shine Bright


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