Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day is underway. Blue skies and billowing white clouds across and open field fill my senses with the feeling of home. I love watching the clouds as they come and go. You can see the rain coming from miles away. We were taught to watch the weather and all the signs of nature. If you were out playing, you knew when to come inside or take shelter. Today they call it weather aware. It was good old fashion common sense ingrained in us by loving and caring parents. Parents are our first teachers. They are the ones God trusted with our care and upbringing. He added in angels in the form of Aunts, Uncles, Sisters and Brothers. God has been beside us our whole life as we learned, grew and made mistakes. He rejoiced in our victories and held us in our defeats. Turn to Him when times are hard and thank Him for each day of life. Enjoy this new day and fill it with love, laughter and beautiful memories. Share Your Heart ❤and Shine Bright.

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