Good Morning Everyone! It is a chilly 48 degrees as I step outside with my coffee. My hummingbird is hunkered down on the feeder like he is at a camp fire. I bet the rooster has a scarf wrapped around his neck. The cold air feels good in my lungs. My capture is Haystack Rock at Cannon Beach. It looks like it was thrown through the sky and landed at the waters edge. Well, that is my story. Birds and people flick to the rock . A title pool close by holds a host of little critters and workers to explain the history and sea life. God’s creations are amazing. There is life from big to small all perfectly formed and beautiful. A world and people crafted with love. Let’s keep it that way. Share kindness, love and compassion to one another. Let go of hate, anger and greed. Embrace the joy and beauty of life. Share Your Heart ❤and Shine Bright.

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