Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day is underway. The sky is once again clear as the sun makes its way over the horizon. My capture is taken along my friends driveway on the irrigation canal. A Mama Duck watches as her babies swim along and play. God gave us all Mother’s and Father’s to watch over us and guide us down the path of life. Life happens and sometimes it is a stepmother, stepfather, Foster family , Aunt or Grandmother that ends up getting us through the early years. God has provided us with Angels in all shapes and forms. Family is not always by blood. Family is the people God has put in your life to share Your journey and love you unconditionally. Look around at your family. They are God’s gifts of love. Cherish each one and never take them for granted. Love, laugh and sing His praise each and every day. Share Your Heart ❤and Shine Bright.

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