Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day is dawning. Clouds fill the sky as the sun begins to rise. Shades of pink and purple start the new day. It is 39 degrees and a cold breeze chases me back inside. Snow is predicted again on the mountain top so pretty new pictures this weekend. Plenty of snow means good skiing and irrigation water for the summer. We all are interdependent with each other and the land. God created us to depend and need one another. We must take care of the land so the harvest provides food for our nation. We are all a cog in the wheel of life. Each a vital and unique creation made with great love and blessed with life and free will. God’s children are vital to our world. Show kindness, love and compassion for one another. Spread laughter and joy like glitter along your path. Life needs a lot of glitter. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.

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