Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day is dawning. Mist still clings to the earth as the sunbeams stream through unruly clouds. It is amazing to watch the light play across the landscape. We are another day closer to January and the weather remains warm. Life moves forward a day at a time. I have accepted that I can’t change or control the things that happen in life. A higher power knows the plan and it is my job to be the best me that I can be. Writing words of faith, hope and love bring me comfort in my own life and I pray that they do the same for someone else. We are all on this journey together and share similar stories of love, laughter and loss. Be loving and kind as you go about your day. If I could but touch a single heart, bring a smile to a sad face or bring hope to someone in need, my work is successful. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.

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