Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day is underway. As I step outside with my cup of coffee in tow, I am enveloped by cool air and the fragrance from my trumpet tree blooms. That crazy rooster is still crowing. Every life has its little irritants. Nothing is perfect this side of heaven. Sometimes it is the little imperfections that bring us smiles and warm our hearts. The crooked smile on a mischievous face, the unruly crop of hair on a Sunday morning or the slight twist of a word we remember with fondness. Fix me a sammich please Mama. If you look for the joy in life and in each other, the flaws you once saw will become treasures. Look not for perfection, but look for the beauty and love within each soul you meet. God created us all. We are each perfect in his sight. You are perfectly you. Embrace your imperfections. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.

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