A long day draws to a close. It was a good day and I was very lazy. I spent the morning prepping for supper this week. I roasted rainbow carrots, potatoes and beets. They are yummy. A long nap took part of the day, but sure felt good. I was awakened by a howling wind that shook the house and sent pinecones hurling at the house. A good cleansing rain is falling to nourish the earth, as I watch with my feet up. Layers of dust are washed from my car and deck as the ground soaks in the rain. Flowers should start popping up from the ground soon. We may not know God’s plan for us all, but we must have faith that all will work according to His will. Hold your families close and give those extra hugs. Life is short. Say your prayers and be grateful. Rest Well and Sweet Dreams ❤

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