Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day has dawned. The mountain stands tall and proud under a cloudless blue sky. I filled up the feeders last night and had a golden finch come to visit. He was a beauty. My capture is from my drive home yesterday. This beautiful tree filled with pink blossoms shines out next to the giant willows. It made me remember that you don’t have to be famous, rich or popular to stand out in a crowd. We were created by God and His light resides in each of our hearts, no matter what we choose to believe. It is what we do with God’s light and His love that makes a difference. True beauty is a kind and loving heart. Never believe that you haven’t made a difference in our world. God has a plan and He put you where you are and gives you the words to change a heart or lead someone to the light. Be His beacon of hope and have faith. Share Your Heart ❤and Shine Bright

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