Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day is underway.  The sun has started its climb over the orchard into the blue sky. A few clouds stand by to watch and wave. The miracle of a new day begins with the rooster crowing,  the birds singing and me watching and enjoying my coffee. The hummingbirds zoom in and out to the rhythm of the water sprinkler. What is God’s plan for me today? I am never sure what part I play. I know that my heart longs to bring a smile to each face I see. That is a challenge since we are still wearing mask in the office. My day is made when I see the light of God’s love spark in empty eyes. Perhaps that spark changes a bad day or is the answer to a silent prayer. All is not lost. God’s people are out there and we still care. Love and prayers for our world. Share your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.

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