A long day draws to a close. It was a great day. I worked half a day on paperwork and then Chance and I headed out on an adventure. We went over to the Washington side of the Gorge and check out an Antiques and Oddities shop. There were a lot of neat things, but it was a little pricey. My sister taught me how to shop. We then crossed back to Oregon and the next town over to check out the Goodwill. A prize still eluded me as we went to two more shops. Chance chatted with the owners of one shop where the ladies loved his accent. I just listened to him in his element with the older generation. Kindness and manners won them over. Chance did find a treasure in our last stop at Hood River. Granny is pooped. Supper is on the stove and my feet are up. Time spent with those we love is never wasted. Hold them close for time is swift and life is short. Say your prayers and be grateful. Rest Well and Sweet Dreams ❤

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