Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day is dawning. Clouds fill the sky as the sun reaches for the horizon. As I watch, the clouds start to clear and move on. There is a cold breeze blowing and the birds are happily singing their song of praise. I especially like watching the hummingbirds as they dance and dart through the sky. They are little works of art filled with grace and energy. If you watch closely, you will notice that there is a rhythm of life all around us. I see it mostly in nature as I sit quietly and watch. People come and go filled with energy, laughter, pain and sorrow. Even when in pain, the smile still come through when they are acknowledged. We all want to be seen and be of valve. God loves us as the beautiful Masterpiece he created from pure love. Reach out in love and kindness. Let people know that you value them and love them just the way they were created by God. We can change our world one heart at a time. Share Your Heart ❤and Shine Bright.

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