Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day awaits the dawn. It is still three hours before dawn, but the darn rooster is crowing. Overcast skies hide the stars and snow and rain are predicted. Hopefully it holds off snowing until I get my chores done in town. I am getting pretty good at navigating the roads. As all things in life, I have learned my limitations. As we go through the stages of life, we learn there are just some things that we can’t or should not be doing anymore. We learn new ways to get things done that work better for us. The world grows and changes and we realize that it needs the wisdom of our elderly. No one seems to listen, but we must continue to share the stores of our lives and pass down traditions. One day they will realize the value of our words. Traditions are love passed through the ages and bring sweet memories. Share Your stories and your life with those you love. Let them see the beauty inside you. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.

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