Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day awaits the dawn.  Sleep eluded me once again. It is several hours before dawn as I step out to search the sky. The heavens are filled with twinkling stars that each hold their own mysteries and stories.  Cold air fills my lungs and I retreat back inside to the comfort of my couch and a warm fuzzy blanket.  Every one of us was created by God with love. We each walk our own path in life with our individual experiences, thoughts, fears, hopes and dreams. We share our lives and experiences,  but only God knows every thought inside our head and every beat of our heart.  He knows your flaws and loves you unconditionally. When you feel down, see your age or doubt your worth in life, grasp the reality that God loves you beyond measure. You are worthy of love, happiness and prosperity. Hold your head up and reach for the stars. Share Your Heart ❤and Shine Bright.

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