Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day awaits the dawn. A big bright moon shines its silvery light across the landscape. There are a few stars that are able to stand out close to the moon. My capture today reminds me that we are all the same, but each and everyone is special. Sometimes I feel like I am just another face in the crowd, another cog in the wheel or pebble on the beach. There is nothing special about me on this road of life. Then, I remember that I am a child of God set on this path for a reason that only He knows. I have a purpose in the grand scheme. God knows the real me with all my flaws and imperfections, yet he loves me anyway. I hold my head a little higher and throw my shoulders back as I move forward and Shine the light of His love. You are special and you are loved. Share Your Heart ❤and Shine Bright.

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